Meet SunKissAlba

Meet SunKissAlba

  Hello beauties! Here at DERMA E we really enjoy shining the spotlight on people that embody our brand and what we strive to be, so this week we...


Hello beauties! Here at DERMA E we really enjoy shining the spotlight on people that embody our brand and what we strive to be, so this week we are shouting out SunKissAlba! If you are not familiar with SunKissAlba’s socials let us introduce her to you.

The beauty and brain behind the brand is Alba Garcia. She lives in New York with her adorable and delightful family. Alba lives such a clean and natural life, it is almost envious! She always has the best products that are organic and non-toxic for anything you could ever need from skincare to feminine products. We recently had Alba out in Southern California for a visit and so we thought now was the perfect time to share why we absolutely adore her!

Alba is so devoted to making sure that everything in her life is organic and clean. It is inspiring to see how hard she works to make sure that she is using the right products for her and her family. It is also helpful that she shares her experience with the world. Now when we need new organic sheets, underwear, or any other necessities we can look to Alba’s recommendations instead of having to do trial and error ourselves. She also shares the best DIY’s!

Alba is so open about her life and family, and we love that she shares her experiences with the possibility that they can help others. She is so kind and genuine and that comes through in her videos.

Some of our favorite fun facts about Alba include:

  1. She can ignore the men of New York (no offense to men anywhere). We love a strong woman who can ignore catcalls so intensely that the catcaller might question their own existence.
  2. She is scared of cats, which is fine by us because we are really dog people when it comes down to it. (We do love, cuddle, and appreciate all animals here at DERMA E)
  3. She is OBSESSED with NSYNC. This is reason enough for her to be your new favorite natural lifestyle guru. (We are still holding onto our crush on Justin Timberlake, unlike Alba).
  4. She is 100% committed to giving her son the best possible life, and anyone who puts their family before themselves is beautiful in our book.

You can find Alba on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and on her website!

We think Alba and her values align with ours so perfectly and so we wanted to share that with you guys! Alba, we have really enjoyed watching you, your family, and your channel change, grow, and flourish over the years and we look forward to what is to come!

Bye, Bye, Bye,


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  • Thanking Alba for putting up her Vlog on youtube; I was browsing one night, saw her vid, and purchased products the same night!! ☺️

    Shamika Bentford on
  • Thank you for making SunKissAlba a part of your beauty line, I am so excited to try your products!

    Yvonne on
  • I love her!!! She’s one of my fav beauty vloggers and the reason I found out about Derma E. Just tried the purifying cleanser and exfoliator for the first time and am obsessed with it!

    Destiny on

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